Gender-Based Harassment, Violence, and Assault

Report an instance of gender-based violence or harassment.

The King's University has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for gender-based violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to create a record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, Report to Police, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.

Make a report

Information about gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is any form of abuse, assault, or harassment that originates from dominant societal norms surrounding gender. This includes, but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse, sexual exploitation, spiritual abuse, threats of violence, human trafficking, and neglect.

If you have experienced sexual violence

  • Understand that it is not your fault.
  • Be patient with yourself. Gender-based assault/sexual violence is a traumatic experience that can impact you on many levels: academic/work, psychological, physical, social and emotional.
  • Consider telling someone you trust – a friend, coach, counsellor, family member, co-worker, etc. You can also talk to any staff or faculty member whom you trust.
  • Consider seeking medical attention, even if you feel you have no obvious injuries.
  • Consider the reporting options below and contact a Student Life staff member to discuss these options if you need help talking them through and making a decision.
  • If you are a survivor of gender-based violence that took place before you came to King's and you are struggling as a result you can still access support.

Options for proceeding

If you have experienced an incident of gender-based violence, choosing what to do next is a personal and potentially difficult decision.  We want you to get the help and support you deserve and we respect your decisions in regard to your own care. 

Any member of the University community who believes they have experienced gender-based violence is welcome to seek support and to report the incident if they so choose.

Report online using REES

Any member of the University community who believes they have experienced gender-based violence is welcome to seek support and/or report the incident through the REES reporting platform.

Create a Record

  • You can Create a Record without choosing a reporting option. Your Record will be securely stored in REES until you are ready to report.
  • Records stored in REES cannot be accessed by REES or The King’s University. Only you can access your Record unless you choose to send it as a Connect to My Campus.

Anonymously Report

  • An Anonymous Report allows an individual to share information about an incident of gender-based harassment, misconduct or assault without identifying themselves, or identifying the person who has harmed them.
  • Anonymous Reports will include only the multiple-choice questions and gender questions from your Record. Anonymous Report data will be provided by REES to The King’s University to measure the incidence and identify patterns of gender-based violence on campus, with the goal of improving policy, supports or responses to gender-based violence on campus.
  • Because an Anonymous Report does not include any identifying information about the persons involved, it cannot initiate an investigation, and The King’s University does not have the ability to follow up with you directly.

Additionally, connecting to My Campus allows you to reach out to The King’s University’s Lead Responders. You can receive support, resources, and information, or discuss the formal complaint process.

Make a Report

Receive medical attention

Receiving medical attention can often be important, even if it has been a while since the assault or you don’t have obvious injuries.

You can ask for the SART team at any Edmonton hospital. This team provides assessment and treatment of injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy prevention. They also provide forensic evidence collection and emotional support. You can choose if you wish to have forensic evidence collected or not.

University staff members are available to assist you in getting to a hospital and providing any desired emotional support.

Talk to someone confidentially for information & counseling

King’s encourages anyone who has experienced sexual and gender-based violence or who is supporting someone else to find support. Support is available whether someone would like to make a formal report or not.

On campus supports

Counselling Services
Accessibility Services
Dean of Students

Off-campus supports

Sexual Assault Center of Edmonton
Saffron Centre
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
University of Alberta Sexual Assault Center
Edmonton Distress Line