Dr. Andrew Rillera

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology

P: 780-465-8362
  • Ph.D., New Testament (Major), Theology (Minor), Early Judaism (Minor), Duke University, Durham, NC, 2021
  • M.A. Theology and Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, 2014
  • B.B.S. (Bachelor of Biblical Studies), Eternity Bible College, Simi Valley, CA, 2009

Andrew Rillera is Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology. He is also a co-founder, consultant, and Research Editor for PAX Collective: A non-profit, which seeks to promote the peace of Jesus in the 21st century through accessible Christian content specifically targeting Generation Z and Millennials. Previously he served as a Children's Ministry and College Ministry Director while completing his MA at Fuller Theological Seminary.

He defended his dissertation on the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans in July 2021, and is currently working on a book with Cascade Books, Lamb of the Free: Recovering the Varied Sacrificial Understandings of Jesus’s Death. He co-wrote Fight: A Christian Case for Nonviolence (Cook, 2013) with Preston Sprinkle (now re-titled as Nonviolence: The Revolutionary Way of Jesus).

His academic interests include the apostle Paul’s relation to Early Judaism, race and ethnicity in the Bible, Jewish apocalyptic literature, theological ethics (war, violence, restorative justice, environment, economy), sacrifice and sacrificial imagery, and Philo of Alexandria.

When Andrew isn’t hanging out with his family, reading, or grading, he is probably watching or playing hockey.

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

    • Tertium Genus or Dyadic Unity? Investigating Sociopolitical Salvation in Ephesians,” Biblical Research 66 (2021): 31–51.
    • “A Call to Resistance: The Exhortative Function of Daniel 7,” Journal of Biblical Literature 138 (2019): 757–76.

Public Scholarship Articles:
