Course List

THEO 250 - Entering the Story: Introduction to the Bible

An exploration of the genres, storylines, themes and theological patterns within the Bible. We shall engage the biblical text both as ancient literature and as Christian scripture which reveals the truth of God, the world and humanity.

THEO 305 - Systematic Theology

If all theology is "faith seeking understanding," this course presents that understanding in an orderly and coherent way. systematic theology uses God's self- revelation in scripture as the starting point to makes sense of the origin, existence, and destiny of all things in relation to Jesus Christ. Elaborating the doctrines of trinity and incarnation, creation and providence, sin and redemption, Israel and the church, and destiny and hope, and connecting Christian practices of prayer and scripture, sacraments and discipleship, struggle and witness.

THEO 310 - Bringing the Text to Life: Biblical Theological Themes

This course is a close study of selected biblical theological themes and their social-ethical implications for contemporary society. Themes investigated may include Christian political responsibility, war and peace, gender and sexuality, environmental stewardship, etc.

THEO 341 - Apocalypse Then and Now: Studies in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature

Monstrous creatures, zombies and aliens, global catastrophes and a doomed earth...the language of apocalyptic is everywhere: in movies and TV shows, video games, and popular literature. Some of this language draws on scripture, imagining a violent end to a sinful and rebellious creation. But is this all there is to apocalyptic - which has also been called "the mother of theology"? What is the "end" that apocalyptic speaks of? Can it be used constructively to speak hopefully about a creation in bondage but under promise? This course will examine the origins of biblical apocalyptic, its social and historical contexts, and its way of viewing the world. Specific study will be made of the books of Daniel and Revelation, with an eye to recovering apocalyptic for protest against injustice, for cultural engagement and for creational transformation.

THEO 342 - Facing the Darkness: Evil as Experience and Challenge

This course will address the experience of evil in our world by examining the biblical literature about evil and its relation to the central biblical confession of a good creation. How did biblical authors respond to the experience of evil in their day? How did their responses relate to the cultural climate of their times? The course will then survey prominent theological and philosophical options for thinking about evil today. Finally it will struggle to articulate a faithfully Christian response to the reality of evil in our time.

THEO 351 - God in Flesh and Blood: Jesus Christ in Scripture and Confession

This course examines: Jesus' life, teachings and ministry in the religious, social, cultural and political context of first century Palestine; the nature and purposes of the New Testament Gospels as historical and theological documents and the relationship of history and theology; core issues in the development of Christology from the New Testament to the early creeds and christological definitions.

THEO 353 - Prophet to the Nations: Paul's Epistles and Theology

A detailed study of the life, letters and theology of the apostle Paul in the context of his time and mission. Special attention will be paid to past and present paradigms for understanding Paul, as well as to his contribution to a variety of current issues in theology, ethics, church life and Christian mission.

THEO 360 - World Christianity Since 1500

This course will explore the history of World Christianity since 1500, focussing on Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Among other subjects, we will analyze missionary movements and cross-cultural encounters in the Global South and the growth of charismatic and Pentecostal Christianities.

THEO 361 - Cities of God: Engaging Contemporary Political Theology

Just as within contemporary philosophy there is a new interest in the meaning of theology for political life, so within contemporary theology there is a new engagement of the political as mapped within the discourse and practices of the historic church. This course will explore this engagement, examining the retrieval of classical and medieval sources into a post-modern context, African and Latin American liberation theologies, and European and American political theologies.

THEO 364 - Futures in the Past: Historical Theology

A study of important stages in the development of Christian doctrine and some of the major figures in the history of Christian theology. We will examine the influence of social, political and cultural contexts on doctrine and theology, and ask the question whether and how a study of the Christian past might give shape to the church, theology and Christian faithfulness in the present and future.

THEO 369 - Saving God? Contemporary Theology

This course will present historical background to and engagement with selected themes and theologians of importance in contemporary Christian discussion, with special emphasis on North American theology. Topics may include feminist theology; evangelicalism, post-liberalism, and post-modernism; and current trinitarian theology, represented by contemporary theologians.

THEO 370 - All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation

A study of the Christian theology of creation which addresses the issues of: the integrity of the universe as God's creation; humankind's place and task in creation; the honouring and care of creation as intrinsic to knowledge of God as Creator and the world as God's creation. Special attention will be paid to how the central Christian doctrines of the Trinity, Christology, the imago dei and the eucharist shape the theology of creation, and to how such a theology influences and is influenced by the aims and practices of environmental stewardship.

THEO 371 - A Conspiracy of Goodness: Studies in Christian Mission

A close examination of some central issues in Christian mission. Students will study key Biblical passages that inform the nature and scope of mission, explore contemporary images of mission, consider the nature of mission in the contemporary world, and examine topics such as the role of the church in urban renewal, the biblical nature of evangelism, the relationship of theology and development, liberation theology, inter-religious dialogue and others.

THEO 373 - Christian Theology Engages Other Religions

What about "other religions"? This course engages issues that are raised by the encounter of the Christian faith with other religions. We explore biblical and theological perspectives on the reality of multiple religions, addressing such questions as revelation, truth, pluralism, salvation, mission, tolerance and politics.

THEO 374 - Biblical Theology of Justice: Micah's Challenge

The Hebrew prophet Micah summarized the calling of God's people in the simple yet powerful verse: "What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God." This ancient but succinct statement is a powerful summons for the people of God to be engaged in the quest for justice today. In this course students will examine the biblical and theological principles guiding the church's understanding of Justice and its missional responsibilities to pursue justice in the context of economic inequality, violence, poverty and hunger, HIV/AIDS, war and famine.

THEO 375 - God, Physics and the Human Prospect

This course is intended for students in their senior year of study and will focus on the dialogue between scientific and other ways of knowing. Topics will be drawn from Physics, Theology and Sociology that will illuminate such motivating questions as 1) How can Science and Theology engage in a conversation of mutual understanding and transformation? 2) How, or in what ways, has science changed our ideas about what it means to be human? and 3) Given these changes, how then ought we to live our lives?

THEO 376 - Jubilate: Studies In Christian Worship

A study of Christian worship which includes biblical principles for worship, the historical development of liturgy, cultural dynamics in contemporary worship, and explores the rich and varied resources with the ecumenical Christian community. Themes to be studied include praise and lament, confession and proclamation, use of the lectionary, sacraments, liturgical dance, the use of art in worship, the relationship of worship and justice, and more. There will be a strong emphasis on the music of worship. Students will have an opportunity to attend various worship services as well plan, lead, and participate in worship.

THEO 378 - The Gospel According to Hollywood: Religion and Popular Culture

Using case studies taken from film, television, music, and other media, this course will examine the presentation of religion and religious topics in popular culture as well as how popular cultural texts and practices have influenced the beliefs, structures, and practices of religious groups. In addition, the economics and ethics of popular culture will receive some attention.

THEO 380 - Earthly Good: Christian Ethics

An examination of the nature of ethics, the relationship between the Bible and Christian ethics, several biblical concepts determinative for Christian ethics and ethical issues in areas such as politics, business, law, medicine and personal decision-making.

THEO 391 - Philosophy of Religion

An inquiry into selected philosophical issues concerning religion such as the presuppositions underlying various accounts of the origin of religion, the relationships among faith, reason and revelation, the possibility of giving a rational defense of religious belief, and such topics as the problem of evil, immortality and the supernatural.

THEO 397 - Engaging Difference: World Religions

Through studies of the histories, sacred texts and practices of Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, native Canadian and tribal religions, students will gain some understanding of the variety and complexity of living religious traditions in the modern world. Attention will be paid to the current debate on religious pluralism and Christian claims about the person and work of Jesus Christ in this context.

THEO 399 - Special Topics in Theology

A course on a topic or figure of special interest to a member of the theology faculty and offered on a non-recurring basis.

THEO 495 - Senior Theology Seminar

All students with theology as a first subject of concentration in the B.A. program are required to take this course. Students further develop skills in biblical, theological and interdisciplinary scholarship through the preparation of a senior research paper and seminar presentations and discussions.

THEO 499 - Directed Studies in Theology

An opportunity to do intensive study of a special topic or theologian of particular interest to the student. Students work closely with a theology faculty member in tutorial meetings. For directed studies in theology, students must apply in advance to a theology faculty member.