Permitted Use of Resources

Permitted E-resource use includes

Research and Study for Authorized Users

Authorized users are current staff, professors, sessional instructors* and students with a current King’s ID. They are permitted to access using authentication via a proxy server. Walk in users are allowed to use them in the library.

*Sessional accounts are open one month prior to the semester and expired two weeks after the semester.  

Class handouts

A printed e-book chapter may be distributed to authorized users. Moodle access is permitted, but a printed course pack needs publisher permission.

A link or persistent URL

Can be provided to authorized users only.

PDFs on Moodle

Do not distribute a PDF through Moodle. Please use a persistent link or URL .

Simultaneous Users

Not all ebooks have unlimited simultaneous users. Some will need to be checked out, as one would a print book.

Permitted E-resource use includes

Photocopies of copyrighted material

Copies of a published work can be provided to students for educational purposes. Please check that it is within the Fair Dealing Guidelines.

Photocopies from workbooks

Materials from workbooks or business case studies may not be reproduced under any circumstances without the copyright owner’s permission.

Copyrighted Materials on Library Reserves

Yes, a book or journal article may be placed on reserve.  Books owned by other libraries can not be placed on reserve.

Need more Information?

Resources are licensed to The King’s University for academic purposes only. The content may not be reproduced, re-transmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, broadcast or circulated. Remote access restricted to members of The King’s University.

Fair Dealings Guidelines