Study your minor in Geography at King's

"Where is it?" "Why is it there?" "How does it relate to other locations?" Geography seeks to understand the distribution of human civilization and the locations of landscapes and features on the earth's surface. 

Inside this program

Marvel At Incredible Landscapes

Study the origins of Earth's geological and hydrological systems and how they influence landforms, vegetation, and climate. God has patiently carved the physical landscape over billions of years into the creation we enjoy today.

Understand Why People Live Where They Do

Geographic realities impact how and where humans have chosen to settle—the locations of our cities, and the industries we have established in those areas. Humans have also impacted the natural landscape through our use of the land. As a geography minor, you'll explore these responsive, interconnected relationships 

Explore Geography By Visiting It

Take field trips across Alberta, work with maps and instruments in King's Geography lab, and use computer applications and GIS to better understand the composition of an environment.

Research Profiles

Moyer, Joanne M., and Stephen Bede Scharper. 2019. “The Fabric of Faith-Based Environmentalism in Canada: Exploring the Strands of Ecological Worldviews.” Worldviews 23(1): 33-58. DOI:10.1163/15685357-02301003

Moyer, Joanne M., and A. John Sinclair. 2020. “Learning for Sustainability: Considering Pathways to Transformation.” Adult Education Quarterly 70(4): 340-359. DOI: 10.1177/0741713620912219

Moyer, Joanne M., and Claire Brandenbarg. 2021. “The Landscape of Faith-Based Environmental Engagement in Canada.” Local Environments 26:10: 1267-1283.

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