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Does the Church Matter? Fall IS Conference 2017

Sep 22, 2017

Hi there future King’s students!

How fast time moves as it is already another September at The King’s University and it is the month when trees and leaves are beginning to turn colours as we move from one season to another. Since it is the beginning of the fall semester here at King’s, that also means the appearance of yet another IS Conference has arrived and made its mark.

What exactly is this thing you call, “IS Conference” you may say? Well it is the time when the majority of the student body gathers together in the gymnasium to listen and reflect on a themed conference. This also gives students the chance to attend mini breakout sessions that open their minds to elements they haven’t been exposed to before.

Every conference has a unique aspect about it and that is not just about the what but the who that delivers the content about the theme. This term we have had the pleasure of getting to know experiences and perspectives from keynote speakers Bishop Jane Alexander, Richard Mouw and Brad Gregory. We also have had many professors not only from King’s but also outside of King’s come to talk during several breakout sessions.

This semester’s theme “Does the Church Matter” enables us to think about 21st century challenges and opportunities about how Church traditionally is and how church is now in the modern culture. Bishop Jane Alexander was ordained to the priesthood in 2001 and served in many parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton. She gave meaning to the idea of “getting out of the boat” and becoming more confident in what you believe in and if someone criticizes you, ask why and don’t be afraid. 

I could go on about these amazing keynote speakers we had present but I shall leave you hanging and leave you to be in charge of “getting out of the boat”. So go forth my friends, and ask your own questions.

Yours truly,


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