Study a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at King's

Why do some of us listen to certain types of music and dress a particular way, or even commit crimes and struggle with substance use? Why does inequality and inequity continue to persist? Sociology looks deep into our social character and systems of human interaction. At King's, sociology starts with one basic assumption: that human beings are social beings created in love and to love.

Inside this program

Explore Our Interconnected Society

As a sociology student, you will navigate challenges and opportunities faced by various demographics. Unpack how important facets of our society such as religion, art, and diversity shape our lived experiences.

Hope For A Better World

We know that injustice exists in our cities and workplaces. Discover how social systems oppress some while benefiting others and apply your faith to real-world problems. By studying social phenomena, you can prepare for careers with social justice concerns in mind.

Practical Skills For Living

Your study of sociology will deepen skills in research, critical thinking, and decision-making while developing report-preparation techniques, communication, and conflict resolution.

Research Profiles

"Visions of the Heart: Issues Involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada." David Long Humanities & Social Sciences

Co-edited volume addressing a variety of issues involving Indigenous peoples in Canada.

“Del desarrollo a la ecología integral: La Red Universitaria para el Cuidado de la Casa Común (RUC) y su Diplomatura Superior en Ecología Integral.” Adrian Beling Humanities & Social Sciences

Within the framework of the global debate on the implications of a necessary socio-ecological transition to implications of a necessary socio-ecological transition to sustainability for the reorientation of current current development trajectories, the present text aims to present a concrete experience in the present a concrete experience of construction and articulation of an institutional network of Latin American universities of an institutional network of Latin American universities around the regulative ideal of an "ecological regulatory ideal of an "integral ecology".

"The Catholic Church in Times of Ecological Crisis: An 'Unusual Suspect' in Advancing the Transition to Sustainability?" Adrian Beling Humanities & Social Sciences

Religious traditions and institutions have historically played a significant role in shaping cultural scaffoldings and social practices. Can they also help re-shape the unsustainable world humans have made for themselves, which is now undermining not only the actual and prospective minimum standards of dignified life for the many, but also the basic fabric of Earth’s life support?

Next Steps

You're looking for a career and life that makes a difference. We’re committed to education that inspires discovery, creativity, and hope.