Stewardship Annual Fund

The Stewardship Fund at King’s strengthens our university by providing core support to essential programs and services that reinforce our mission and vision. When you give a gift to the Stewardship Fund, your vital contributions are used to sustain and enliven the work that is being done at King's every day. Thank you for trusting us with your gifts that equip learners to bring renewal and reconciliation to the world in Jesus’ name.

The Stewardship Fund Enhances Services at King's

Scholarships and Awards $915,203.00
Academic Programming $340,320
Building Improvements $281,379
Student Life $224,725
Information Technology $206,151
Leder School of Business $187,423
Campus Ministries $113,156
Eagles Athletics $83,921
Centre for Career and Calling $73,877
Library Resources $58,848



“It’s truly your support that makes King’s the university that it is today.” – Ashley Elgersma, B.Sc '22