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Which Visit Day is Right for You?

Jun 11, 2019

Hey Future King’s Students!

Curious to see if King’s would be a good fit for you? The best way to do this is to check it out for yourself. King’s offers several different visit options which I have outlined below.

Open House
Drop-in to Open House to discover the unique programs that are offered here at King’s and see what sets our graduates apart from the rest. Open House provides students with the opportunity to take a tour of the campus or residence, talk with an admissions counsellor, or meet professors and current students. This is the perfect place to go to get all your questions answered if you’re still unsure of what program you might want to take.

King’s View Friday
King’s View Friday is a full day of sessions on admission, financial aid, and student life. Students are given the chance to sit in on classes, take a tour of campus, and meet with admissions staff, current students, and professors. KVF also provides students with the option of staying overnight in residence with current students if they would like to see what residence life looks like.

King’s Encounter Weekend
If you’re interested in King’s View Friday but would like a longer stay then King’s Encounter Weekend might be perfect for you. Join us on-campus for a full weekend to experience the King’s student lifestyle. Sit in on classes, ask professors questions about the programs you’re interested in, and talk to current students about their experience here at King’s. You’ll learn everything you need to know about academics, financial aid, athletics, and student life. You even get to stay in the residence building and see what life may be like living away from home. If you’re not from Edmonton this is also the perfect opportunity to check out the city!

Personal Visits
If none of the above events work with your schedule, we invite you to arrange a one-on-one meeting and/or campus tour with an Admissions Counsellor. If this interests you please contact Admissions to book your appointment.

Hopefully, this has helped you determine what type of visit day may be best for you. If you’d like more information feel free to check out the links provided or contact the Admissions department.

Till Next Time,

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