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Culture Making

Sep 21, 2011

(Fall 2011)

Christians have long had a love-hate relationship with the cultures they are called to change, vacillating between fearful avoidance on the one hand and indiscriminate consumerism of culture on the other. The resulting temptation is to seek some middle ground, a balancing of caution and copying, critique and embrace. But the Christian cultural task is far more exciting than striking a middle ground. We are called to make culture, not just to critique, copy and consume what others make. Andy Crouch, author of Culture Making, and an accomplished musician, lead the I.S. conference in an exploration of our role as creative composers of culture. In addition to lectures / performances by Andy Crouch, a visual feast was prepared by local artists who displayed their art at King’s. Other presenters include John Franklin, founding director of Imago, who spoke at the art show opening and John Van Sloten, author of The Day Metallica Came to Church, several King’s faculty and a jolly jamboree with Justine and Joel.

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