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Re: Connect - 5 Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

Jun 05, 2020

How have you been these last couple of months? Have you been finding ways to stay connected with your loved ones? We have gone through quite a lot of changes lately that we might be in need of some good (distanced) social connection. What has been getting me through these times have really been about being intentional about who I spend my time with and how.

Some of these ways to stay connected with friends and family have really helped me feel a lot more grounded throughout the constant unknown and instability of what’s going on in our world.

Porch Time
Social connection is different when you get to see your loved ones in person. With social distancing set in place, what I like to call “porch time” allows us to stay safe and feel connected. See a friend and spend time in conversation with each other from the porch. Getting to see them and being able to talk to someone who isn’t your television for once is a great alternative.

No one said picnics were going out of date and they shouldn’t because picnics can freshen up your scenery for the day if you need something new. Picnics are always a bonus because you get to spend your day outdoors, enjoy a nice meal, and explore different parks!

Virtual Workouts
One thing I really love doing to stay connected with my friends and loved ones is to set a workout time where we can video message each other and work out together! Working out with others not only keeps you connected with other people but also keeps you motivated and holds you accountable!

Live Bible Streams
Not only do we work to stay connected with our loved ones, we also work to stay connected with our faith. Lots of churches are moving to livestreaming or other virtual options. A really good way to continue going to Church without actually attending in person is to tune in to these live Bible streams or checking if your church has a Youtube channel that tapes their Sunday masses.

As of this point in time, outdoor gatherings in Alberta have been increased to 50 people with proper social distancing. This is great for us because we can gather safely with our friends 6 feet from each other around the bonfire! We can still tell stories, eat some s’mores and most importantly, safely be in the presence of other people.

There are so many other ways to fulfill the need for social connection but these are some good starters to ease into as the outdoor gathering limit lightens up. Stay connected to those you love because time passes faster when you’re having fun with others.

Yours truly,

When arranging visits with loved ones at this time, remember to do so at your own discretion. Confirm your provincial regulations and guidelines before making plans, and be aware of which of your loved ones are high-risk before visiting.

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