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Reading Week Book Recommendations

Feb 16, 2021

As an English student, I wait for times where I have the opportunity to indulge in books on my must-read list. Reading Week is here! What a good time to sneak in a bit of non-academic reading. During the break students have the chance to catch up on much needed sleep, assignments, and time with family/friends (as COVID permits of course). I asked faculty and students to share the books that they plan to dive into during the break. Here are their recommendations!

The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievich

“She is my favourite historian. I love her writing so much.” — Dr. Mark Sandle, Professor of History

In this book — an oral history of Soviet women in WW2 — Alexievich relates myriad stories of women's experiences of the Second World War. It is a poignant, moving, and incredibly insightful portrait of the sorrows, horrors, loves, grief and loss of war.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

“It seemed like a really good starting book for exploring existential psychology (Dr. Comeau was quite enthusiastic about it and recommended the book)!” — Joule Soliven, 4th Year BA Psychology

Wild Hope: Prayers and Poems by John Terpstra

“I'll be savouring a new release.” — Dr. Tina Trigg, Associate Professor of English

This slim volume is a beautiful reminder that poems are prayers of our deepest heart and our real moments in time.

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

“It is beautifully written and is both unsettling (in a constructive, anti-colonial way) and hopeful in its vision of reconciliation among peoples and between people and the land.” — Dr. Joanne Moyer, Associate Professor and the Director of Environmental Studies and Geography

Kimmerer is an Indigenous woman and a trained botanist who teaches in an Environmental Science program in New York. The book weaves together Indigenous knowledge and wisdom about the land and how to live well on it with scientific understandings of environmental concerns.

The MacDonald Hall series by Gordon Korman

“I know that they are a bit juvenile, but they are hilarious. They’re good for just taking a break, and letting you think about something funny for a bit.” — Daniella Molberg, 3rd Year BA Politics, History, and Economics


I hope these recommendations help you find a new must-read book!

Happy Reading,

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