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Refresh, Refocus, Relax: 5 Healthy Study Break Ideas

Apr 09, 2019

With exam week just around the corner students are really starting to feel the stress here on campus. If you’re starting to feel the pressure with your finals coming up be sure to get studying but don’t forget to give yourself healthy study breaks. I’ve compiled a list of great ways to get a quick break from your studies to help you feel refreshed, refocused, and relaxed.

  • Go for a Walk: Get outside and get some fresh air. Sitting at a desk staring at something you don’t understand isn’t going to help you absorb the information. Going outside and getting some fresh air to take a little break can help you feel refreshed.
  • Make and eat a Healthy Snack: It’s quite difficult to study and actually feel like you’re learning something when your brain is lacking energy. Snacking is a great way to keep yourself energized as long as it’s healthy. Here’s a quick and easy snack to make.
  • Take a Nap: Some people find this helpful some may not. But, if you find you’re in the middle of the day studying and can’t seem to keep your eyes open, give yourself a quick twenty minute nap, but no longer as you don’t want to waste your day away.
  • Call a Friend/Family Member: What better way to take a break than catching up with a friend or maybe even your parents on the phone. You definitely won’t feel like you’re wasting your time on this one (Mothers are also great at making you feel encouraged when you’re stressed).
  • Exercise: Whether it’s basketball, volleyball, a run, or going to the gym, exercising is a great break as it will get the blood flowing in your body. Exercising releases endorphins that will make you feel happy and less drained when coming back to studying.

*Pro-tip: Avoid using your phone for a break, you may tell yourself you’re only going to take a five minute break scrolling Facebook but then you get caught in a random stream of videos. You’re phone isn’t going to bring you back to your studies feeling refreshed and focused, trust me on this one.

While these may be helpful for you, but whatever way you prefer to take study breaks, make sure you’re taking them! You don’t want to try to overload your brain with a ton of information in a day’s sitting. Remember to eat well, get lots of sleep and study hard! Good luck on all of your exams!

Happy Studying,


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