Harassment Policy

The King’s University promotes a harassment-free community. Any community member who has been harassed has the right to report it to the institution for resolution through the harassment policy and procedure.

Harassment is behaviour or comments which are intimidating, threatening, demeaning, or abusive and may be accompanied by direct or implied threats to grade(s), status, or job. Harassment can be a traumatic experience that can impact you on many levels: academic/work, psychological, physical, social, and emotional. The King’s Harassment policy ensures that all complaints of harassment are addressed. If you have experienced harassment, you are encouraged to report it to one of the contacts below. You may want to bring a friend, teammate, student leader, or other support with you to report the incident(s). The staff listed will help you decide if you want to make a formal complaint and will ensure you know your rights and responsibilities. Be patient with yourself as you navigate the reporting process.

For more information please see King’s full harassment policy.

Contacts to report harassment

CoraLee Conway, Dean of Students
Paula Mitchell, Director of Human Resources

Or talk to any of the people listed below:

  • Campus counsellor
  • Any student life staff member whom you trust
  • Any other staff or faculty member whom you trust
  • If you live in residence you can talk to any RA or to the Community Life Coordinator.  After 7 p.m. you can call the RA-on-duty (ext 8401) and after 11 p.m. you can call campus overnight security (ext. 8333) to speak to a residence staff member.

On-Campus Support Resources

Pastoral Care
Residence Support

Off-Campus Support Resources

Off-campus support resources
For cases of sexual harassment see the sexual violence information page and policy.