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King's University Expectations vs Reality

Nov 16, 2018

I can remember first coming to university how stressful and intimidating it was not knowing what to expect. Some people tell you how it’ll be one of the most difficult times of your life, while others may claim it to be a breeze. Let me assure you, it’s not as bad as what you expect. To prove that I took the time to talk to students at King’s and see what they say about a few topics and what they expected versus what it’s actually like to be a student here:

Making friends:


  • “I didn’t intend to get super involved, I was planning on just going through the motions and getting my work done”- Erin Greidanus                                                   
  • “I expected it to be really awkward”- Maria Ringma
  • “I thought it was going to be really hard and that I was going to be alone”- Allie Deweerd


  • “The King’s community really brings you in and allows you to make friends”- Erin Greidanus
  • “It was not that awkward because everyone is experiencing the same things as you at orientation” -Maria Ringma
  • “It was actually really easy! Orientation and the fall retreat made it really simple to connect with other students” -Allie Deweerd


Attending a Christian University:


  • “I expected it to be really conservative, traditional, hypocritical. These were all misinterpretations”- Erin Greidanus
  • “I expected King’s to be really clicky”- Daniel Choi
  • “I expected it to be uptight and judgemental”- Shaylyn Wagenaar


  • “Kings is a really open and accepting community, it really challenges you to apply biblical principles to the real world” -Erin Greidanus
  • “It’s not [really clicky]”- Daniel Choi
  • “King’s is actually really encouraging and accepting, there’s lots of programs that support so many different types of people such as the Speak Out club”- Shaylyn Wagenaar


Writing your First Paper:


  • “It felt like a really daunting task that would take forever to complete, I expected to do a lot worse”- Erin Greidanus
  • “I expected it to be super hard to get enough words”-Maria Ringma
  • “I had low expectations for my first paper”- Noku Mpofu
  • “Stressful and horrible”- Shaylyn Wagenaar


  • “Writing your first paper is actually not that hard, all of the comments you receive from your professor are encouraging.”- Erin Greidanus
  • “It’s actually harder to make it shorter”- Maria Ringma
  • “I did a lot better than I thought, it was still difficult, but there was a lot more assistance to get it done”- Noku Mpofu
  • “Stressful and horrible”- Shalyn Wagenaar


There you have it! University is actually pretty great! Be prepared for some tough times and some fun times, but whatever your experience may be embrace it to the fullest.                                                                                                             

Happy Friday,


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