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Summer Entertainment: Must-Read Books

Jun 26, 2018

Even if I’m working full-time over the summer, one of my favourite things about summer break is all the extra time I get to tackle my giant TBR (to-be-read) list! In this post, I’m going to share some of summer 2018’s most anticipated new releases, so mark your calendars and get yourself to the book store!

  1. My Plain JaneJune 26
    This one looks like a gothic ghost-hunter re-telling of Jane Eyre, and even includes Charlotte Bronte as one of the characters! It’s already highly rated and looks like a really fun read. It’s listed as a sequel to My Lady Jane, but they are two separate stories so you don’t have to read anything before you start My Plain Jane. You don’t have to have read Jane Eyre to enjoy it, either! You can just dive right in!

  2. A Thousand Beginnings and EndingsJune 26
    This is a book of short stories that are all re-imaginings of East and South Asia’s mythology and folklore! A team of 15 bestselling authors got together to write this, and it was compiled by Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman, who work for We Need Diverse Books.

  3. I Am Still AliveJuly 24
    This looks like a story full of suspense! When a secret from her father’s past emerges, it leaves Jess an orphan, stranded in the Canadian wilderness. Accompanied by her father’s dog, Jess has to survive, but not without getting revenge first.

  4. Sea WitchJuly 31
    This one is a play on a beloved classic fairytale, giving us the imagined backstory of The Little Mermaid’s villain. It looks like it will be heart-wrenching and full of friendship, magic, and betrayal.

  5. Heart of ThornsJuly 31
    This one looks interesting: a witch-hunter is forced into a marriage she doesn’t want, and has to give up hunting the demons who killed her mother, only to discover that the very magic she has sworn to destroy might live inside of her.

  6. Dance of Thieves August 7
    I’m a sucker for fantasy stories with street thieves and outlaw dynasties, and Dance of Thieves promises to deliver both! Even if I wasn’t interested in the plot, I would be tempted to buy this one just for the gorgeous cover. This book is definitely on my to-buy list!

  7. These Rebel WavesAugust 7
    Female war veterans? Check. Pirates? Check. Princes? Check. Magic? Check. Conspiracies? Check. These Rebel Waves has everything you could want in a fantasy story! I’m really excited about these characters and this world.

  8. NineAugust 7
    This one is set in an alternate world in which humans have nine lives. Every death gives you a mental and physical upgrade, but Julian is still on his first life when most others his age have already burned through a few. Nine promises to be full of suspense and action as the cast of characters begin to uncover a huge conspiracy that might have something to do with why Julian’s mom is on her last life.

There you have it. Eight books to look forward to throughout summer 2018!

Let me know in the comments what books from this list interest you most, and tell me if I missed any good ones!

Happy reading!



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