Physical Sciences
A student wishing to pursue a career related to the physical sciences could take the following program of study with a concentration in Math and Physics.
Course selection
In addition to the required general courses for the Interdisciplinary Science program, students specializing in the Physical Sciences stream should take the following:
- PHYS 243 - Wave Motion and Electricity
- CHEM 201 - Introductory Chemistry II
- CHEM 350 - Organic Chemistry I
- MATH 300 - Intermediate Calculus I
- PHYS 300 - Introduction to Electromagnetism and Physical Optics
- CHEM 351 - Organic Chemistry II
- MATH 305 - Intermediate Calculus II
- CHEM 312 - Analytical Chemistry II (formerly CHEM 310)
- CHEM 370 - Energetics and Chemical Reactions
- PHYS 395 - God, Physics and the Human Prospect
- CHEM 341 - Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
Program Streams
Program streams allow for specialization within a degree program and prepare students for future employment and professional studies.