Blessed Living in a Broken World

(Winter 2018)
While society tells us that those who achieve the greatest success, work the fastest, and acquire the most are the ones who are “blessed,” the truth is that there are a world of people left behind and even harmed by that vision of the “good life.” Whether we realize it or not, we ourselves are harmed spiritually, socially, and emotionally by the broken world we live in and help create. So what does it mean for us to live well and be blessed in a world that is so obviously unwell?
In this conference, we will consider an alternative way of living rooted in an upside-down vision of wellness from the gospels and the Beatitudes, where those who grieve, whose hearts bear witness to God’s justice and mercy, who choose the way of peace, who stand against the relentless drive toward individual gain and seek the good of others, are the ones who are truly blessed.
We will consider a prophetic challenge to how things are done by exploring practices (both individual and communal) that might lead to greater shalom for all.
"Blessed Living in a Broken World" Program
Keynote speaker
Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer, is The First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, D. Thomason Professor of New Testament Studies at Austin Theological Seminary. Dr. Aymer is author of numerous books, including the Horizons Bible Study Confessing the Beatitudes, which won the Award of Excellence by the Associated Church Press.