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Why not Play… Seriously?

Apr 19, 2022

(Winter 2022)

In "Why not Play… Seriously?" you are invited to consider play as an integral feature of human flourishing in times of uncertainty. Not only does play fulfill necessary sociological and psychological needs, but it is also an operating principle in so much of the organic world and so much of human activity. "Why not Play… Seriously?" engages our lives in the world and university, but more importantly, how we exist in the world outside the walls of The King’s University.

Keynote Speaker

Why not Play... Seriously? welcomes our Keynote Speaker Dr. Emily Langan, Department Director and Associate Professor of Communications at Wheaton College, Illinois. Dr. Langan graduated with her Ph.D. in Human Communication from Arizona State University in 2000. She writes: 

“[P]art of being created in the image of God means that we are designed to live interdependently with others. But, those relationships can be simultaneously joy-giving and challenging. This tension draws me to the study of interpersonal and relational communication, friendship, nonverbal communication & social influence.” 

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