Dr. Stephen W. Martin

Professor of Theology, Chair of Theology

P: 780-465-8346
  • PhD, University of Cape Town, 1999
  • MPhil, Institute for Christian Studies, 1993
  • BTh, Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, 1985

Research interests

  • South African theology
  • Political theology
  • Liturgy, culture, and Christian formation
  • Anglicanism


Martin, Stephen W. 2020. “Political and Public Theology in South Africa: An Exploration.” Summer Colloquium Series, Political Theology Network, August. Respondents: Profs. Dion Forster (Stellenbosch University) and Rothney Tshaka (University of South Africa).

Martin, Stephen W., 2019. “Springtime in Cape Town: The Sacramental, Prophetic Imagination of Desmond Tutu,” in A Sort of Homecoming: Pieces Honouring the Academic and Community Work of Brian Walsh, edited by Marcia Boniferro, Amanda Jagt, and Andrew Stephens-Rennie (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2019).

Martin, Stephen W., 2019. “In the Beginning All the World Was America: Creation, Eucharist, and the Colonial Reconstruction of Christianity in the 17th Century,” in Indigenous People and the Christian Faith: A New Way Forward, edited by William Anderson and Charles Muskego (Vernon Press, 2019).

Martin, Stephen W., 2019. "Writing the Kingdom of God in South Africa: An Appreciative Engagement of the Writings of John de Gruchy." In Festschrift for John W. de Gruchy. Edited by David Field, Stephen Martin, and Robert Vosloo. Stellenbosch Theological Journal 5:3 (2019): 121-144.

Martin, Stephen W. 2019. “God Does Not Compete. Review of Christ the Heart of Creation by Rowan Williams.” Perspectives, September-October 2019, 22-23.

Martin, Stephen W. "The Church and the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa." Christian Courier, October 8, 2018. 

Martin, Stephen W. "Thuma Mina: A New Beginning for South Africa?" Political Theology Network. Feb 27, 2018.

Martin, Stephen W. 2017. “Talking about Something Else”: Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams on God, Religion and Atheism." Published in William Anderson, Ed., Atheism and the Christian Faith (Vernon Press, 2017), 79-94.

South Africa—Twenty Years Later,” Political Theology Today, 1 May 2014.

The Meaning of Mandela,” Political Theology Today, 10 Dec 2013.

Reconciliation: The Theological Challenge,” Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif 51:3-4 (Nov-Dec 2010) 238-256.

Civic Sacrament and Social Imaginaries in Transition: The Case of the Churches and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” Political Theology 12.3 (2011) 386-418.

Guest Editor of a special edition of The Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, March 2011. The articles represented papers given at a special conference on “Tradition and Transformation”, Stellenbosch 2010. 

"Sacramental Imagination And Ecclesial Transformation A Proposal For Rethinking Public Theology's "Public" In South Africa." Journal Of Theology For Southern Africa 139 (2011): 42-57

“Beyond Speaking: A Challenge to Public Theology” in Walking Together: Christian Thinking and Public Life in South Africa, edited by Joel Carpenter (Abelene Christian University Press, 2011).

A series of popular articles on contemporary South Africa for Ministry Matters, online journal of The Anglican Church of Canada.

Faith Negotiating Loyalties: An Exploration of South African Christianity Through a Reading of the Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr (Lanham: University Press of America, 2008).

“Faithful Treason: The Theology and Politics of Allan Boesak”. In Bastienne Klein and James Cochrane, eds., From Dark Days to Liberation: Perspectives on the Social History of Christianity in South Africa, 1936-1994. Special edition of The Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, March 2004.