Interlibrary Loans
Students and employees at The King's University may request materials not held in NEOS via interlibrary loan (ILL). Materials must be for the purpose of research, private study, criticism, review, or news reporting only. King's is a member of NEOS Centralized Interlibrary.
There is a cost associated with this service. Please ensure you have checked the NEOS catalogue, our electronic resources, and Google (for a free version) before placing a new request.
To request material, follow this link: Relais Interlibrary Loan Form
Log in using your barcode (13-digit barcode on King's ID card) and NEOS PIN.
To find your NEOS Pin, please click here
For Requesting Libraries (NEOS Centralized ILL)
Contact information for University of Alberta Interlibrary Loan / AEU:
Generic Script Email Messages:
ISO Protocol /TCP Email Messages:
For those systems (OCLC and Agent) who communicate via ISO ILL using TCP, the following
TCP address has been configured:
General Messages:
Libraries not using systems are encouraged to use our Institutional Web Page for ordering, please update your link to: