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Dear First Year Me

Jan 29, 2016

Hey future King's students!

It is a new year and many of you have already started applying for university or are thinking about what universities you may be interested in. Perhaps some of you are wondering what it is going to be like in university for your first year. You may have loads of questions about what courses you should take, how much time you should spend on homework, or if you are even going to have a social life while trying to maintain good grades. To help answer some of those questions that may be bouncing around in your head, I asked some current King's students for some advice to help you all ease your way into your first year in university.

Dear first year me,

"I wish I had taken care of myself during my first year. This would be mentally, emotionally and physically because with the hustle and bustle of school it is important to take care of your well being. School isn't the most important thing in the world even though it may seem like it as a student." Esther Tang, 4th year Music student

Dear first year me,

"Try not to worry about classes more than yourself. As important as it is, it's just school and a small portion of your life. Try making friendships and expanding your horizons." Martin Vriend, 3rd year PHE student

Dear first year me,

“Definitely go to as many campus/SA hosted events as you can! Take time to put down the schoolwork and have some fun! Meeting people and making new friends is something that is continuous and by going to events on campus, it allows you to stay connected, meet people and have a blast!” Veronica Vaandering, 3rd year Sociology student

Dear first year me

"Make sure to talk to professors more. Most profs at King’s have open office hours and are willing to talk to you! They are a great resource and are always happy to help with anything you're stuck on - paper writing tips or just for extra info about your subject area! King’s profs are some of the best people you'll know!" Joshua Thomas, 2nd year PHE student

I hope that the advice that these students gave can help ease some of the worries you may have about university. Just remember that your journey through university is your own path.

All the best!


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