Partner with King's Career Centre

King's liberal arts programs prepare students with subject-specific competencies and a well-rounded education, equipping them with the transferable skills organizations want. These include not only soft skills, but broader skills such as social perceptiveness, ethical judgement and relationship management.

Partnership Opportunities

You can partner with the Centre for Career and Calling to equip our students to take their place in the world by:

  • Participating in career planning or work readiness workshop and/or presenting in a class as part of a program's curriculum.
  • Offering an experiential learning opportunity such as job shadowing, volunteering, or an internship - see information below.

Contact Witty Sandle, Career and Vocational Counsellor to discuss opportunities for involvement.


The programs below include formal practicum requirements as part of their curriculum. If you are interested in offering an internship or practicum to a King’s student in one of these areas, please contact the person listed directly.

Have an opportunity to post? Visit the job registry.